Creative Director

Manufacturing and Industrial Innovation Council (MaiiC) ︎︎︎ | MaiiC Film ︎︎︎

The Manufacturing and Industrial Innovation Council is a Mayoral Industry Partnership that supports the sustainability and growth of New York’s manufacturing and industrial sectors.

MaiiC wanted to highlight NYC’s manufacturing and industrial sectors for incoming city officials, make the industry attractive to young talent by showcasing examples of green tech and innovation, and create a NYC industrial sector report.

I led the creative vision, strategy and execution for their campaign EssentialNYC. Diverting away from known formats of cut and dry transition memos, we created visually dynamic interactive digitial transition memo’s that were tailored to specific city officials including the incoming mayor of NYC. The memo’s included interactive illustrated infographics that visualized the city’s manufacturing sector with an emphasis on climate solutions and innovation. Additional campaign deliverables included a campaign website with the capability of visitors taking a pledge and receiving a toolkit to spread the word, and interactive data visualizations that captured key data points about the industry. We also included a section that was user friendly for the average citizien to learn about policies, Govt. appointments, legislative, and departmental agencies. User could learn about what changes were needed and why they mattered for each of those topics.

To attract young talent to the manufacturing and industrial sector, we produced a short film in which I led the research, concept, script and art direction. The film showed how diverse the industry and workforce is and that you could earn while you learn while being a part of tech and innovation.

For everything we built I had an excellent team to work with including a junior designer, illustrators, a senior account manager, a senior strategist and a web developer. I will add that the client was a real partner in building this evocative campaign, as they championed our creative ideas, and worked hand in hand to develop content and copy.

This project was done while I was Creative Director at Shared Value Media.